IRDG 228 Christmas Meeting

Christmas Meeting
Monday, 19 December 2022, 9.30am
Meeting number: 
University College London

10:00 Registration and Coffee
10:25 Welcome and Introduction

10:30-10:55 Keynote Lecture - Ian Hutchinson (University of Leicester)
Raman Spectroscopy in Astrobiology

10:55-11:15 Cerys Jenkins (Swansea University)
Raman for Rapid Diagnostic Clinics in the NHS

11:15- 11:35 Julia Weinstein (University of Sheffield)
Mode-specific Vibrational Excitation Directs Electron Transfer Reactions in Solution

11:35-11:55 Annelouise McCullagh (University of Glasgow)
The Adsorption of Nitrobenzene over Pd/Al2O3: An Infrared Spectroscopic Study

11:55-12:20 Keynote Lecture - IRDG-Coblentz Lectureship - Zachary Schultz (Ohio State University)
SERS Detection and Imaging: Applications Derived from Basic Science

Zachary Schultz

12:30 Christmas Lunch

14:50-15:20 Neil Everall (retired)
How I Kept Sane During Lockdown

15:20-15:50 Duncan Graham (University of Strathclyde)
Santa’s Raman Surprise

15:50 IRDG AGM

16:30 End of Proceedings