
The Infrared & Raman Discussion Group is for anyone interested in the theory and/or application of infrared and Raman spectroscopy, particularly in chemistry, physics, materials, biology, biochemistry and medicine whether in academe or industry. We are keen to encourage young people working in vibrational spectroscopy. A constitution was approved by members present at the Christmas meeting in 2009 and amended in 2013.

How the IRDG can help you

This is your opportunity to meet others who are interested in IR and Raman spectroscopy, both newcomers and experts from industry and academia. You can hear and discuss both formally and informally, instrumentation, techniques and applications. Some meetings include exhibits of instruments and literature, and there is usually the opportunity to see the spectroscopic equipment at the meeting centre. Representatives from prominent manufacturers are often present and you can discuss with them informally new instrument developments, or problems with current instruments.

The Location and Frequency of the IRDG Meetings

There are usually three one-day meetings each year, which are held throughout the country, although the Christmas meeting is traditionally held in central London. Several other meetings may be organised jointly with other relevant groups. Meeting subjects are intentionally chosen over a wide range so as to interest and inform both newcomers to the art, and those who have been practising for many years. Speakers may be regular group members or may be invited from the UK or abroad.

Non-members may attend any meeting, on payment of the specified non-member’s meeting fee, which will also enrol them as a member of the group for the ensuing year.

To encourage young scientists

The group encourages participation by young scientists. Reduced rates are offered for attendance at meetings, as well as for membership. Since 1994 a prize in memory of our first two chairmen (Dr. A.E. Martin, 1950-70, and Professor Harry W. Willis, 1970-90) has been offered for the best presentation by a young spectroscopist (not necessarily a member). Other prizes are also awarded, and a limited number of travel grants are available for student members to attend meetings.

Cost of Membership and How to Join

Membership is open to all who are interested in IR and Raman spectroscopy, including students. The cost is deliberately kept very low to ensure that cost is not an influencing factor against joining.

The fees for 2024 are £10 (full member) and £5 (students, unemployed, retired). Our sponsors receive three complimentary memberships.

Please login or create an account below.  If you have been a member or had communications from us in recent times, you can simply request a new password which will be emailed to you. Then you can proceed. Application forms are also available from any committee member for those who are not online.

Once you register, or set your password so you can login, you can access our online shop to buy either a membership, or a ticket (or tickets) for the Christmas Meeting which will also include your membership fee.

Mailing only

You can join our mailing list in the same way by registering, but if you don't pay the membership fee you will only receive much later invitations to book our meetings (if there are any spaces left) and other such communications, to give our members first priority.