IRDG 1 - inaugural meeting of Infra-red Discussion Group

Friday, 20 January 1950, 11.00am
Meeting number: 
Royal Technical College, Glasgow 

Minutes of first meeting held in the
Royal Technical College, Glasgow 
on 20th January, 1950

The first meeting of the Infra-Red Discussion Group
was attended by thirty people. Mr. S.D. Steele and
Dr. A.B. Crawford attended on behalf of the S.D.G. and
Mr. J.H. Oldfield for the Admiralty Laboratories.

Professor Ritchie welcomed visitors to Glasgow on 
behalf of the Royal Technical-College. 

It was finally decided to form a group, to be called
the Infra-red Discussion Group to concern itself with
matters related to infra-red spectroscopy. The group
was to be informal with no membership fee and no written
constitution. Membership would be open to firms,
organisations and individuals concerned with or interested
in infra-red spectroscopy, and who would be willing when
possible to co-operate in the various schemes projected
by the group. Twenty eight members were then enrolled.
Dr. A.E. Martin was elected chairman and Mr. K.S. Tetlow

Dr. Sheppard and Dr. Darmon were interested to know
if the interpretive as well as the instrumental side of
infra-red spectroscopy would come within the field of the
group. By Show of hands it was decided to include interpretive 
and theoretical topics, but at later meetings of the group, 
when opportunity permits; the immediate future
should be devoted to instrumental matters.

View original minutes here.